Thursday 5 April 2012

Working Folders

At some point a project will need graphics or it will look pretty bland.  As a project progresses, the graphics are likely to be refined and improved and old versions replaced with new ones.

The graphics used will be based on artwork, either created from scratch or obtained from the internet or other sources.

Here I am using the term Artwork to describe the source images, which are usually higher resolution and have more colours.  I will use the term Graphics to refer to the adapted versions, with the size and number of colours adjusted for use in the program.

Its a good idea to keep everything together for easy access, so I use a couple of extra working folders within the project folder.
The Artwork folder contains the source artwork and the Audio folder contains the source sound samples and music.  I have chosen the names Artwork and Audio so that they appear together at the top of the folder list for convenience.

The graphic and sound files used by the program will be stored in the media folder and since only this folder is used for the final release,  having extra folders will not affect the resulting size.

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