And look how much we've achieved.
To mark the occasion, here's an up to date code list
As always, unformatted for copy/paste compatibility
// April 12 2012 - Tabs converted to 3 spaces #constant PANEL_ROWS 3 #constant PANEL_COLS 4 #constant DEPTH_SCORE 20 #constant DEPTH_PANEL 30 #constant DEPTH_WORK 40 #constant MAX_WORKOBJECTS 100 #constant FRAME_HIGHLIGHT 251 #constant FRAME_TRASHCAN 252 type displayType physWidth# physHeight# virtWidth# virtHeight# iconSize# textHeight# lastFPS# iconImage pointDX# pointDY# pointWX# pointWY# highSprite endtype global display as displayType display.physWidth# = getDeviceWidth() display.physHeight# = getDeviceHeight() display.iconSize# = PhysWidth() / PANEL_COLS display.textHeight# = PhysHeight() / 20.0 display.highSprite = 0 setVirtualResolution( PhysWidth() , PhysHeight() ) display.virtWidth# = getVirtualWidth() display.virtHeight# = getVirtualHeight() display.iconImage = SafeloadImage( "objects.png" ) type panelType height# speed# isOpen image sprite text sound iconMax endtype global panel as panelType panel.height# = IconSize() * PANEL_ROWS panel.speed# = 0.0 panel.isOpen = 0 panel.iconMax = PANEL_ROWS * PANEL_COLS panel.Image = SafeloadImage( "panel.jpg" ) setImageWrapU( PanelImage() , 1 ) setImageWrapV( PanelImage() , 1 ) panel.sprite = createSprite( PanelImage() ) uScale# = getImageWidth( PanelImage() ) / PhysWidth() vScale# = getImageHeight( PanelImage() ) / PanelHeight() setSpriteUVScale( PanelSprite() , uScale# , vScale# ) setSpriteSize( PanelSprite() , PhysWidth() , PanelHeight() ) setSpritePosition( PanelSprite() , 0 , PhysHeight() ) setSpriteDepth( PanelSprite() , DEPTH_PANEL) panel.text = createText( "Objects" ) setTextSize( panelText() , textHeight() ) setTextAlignMent( panelText() , 1) setTextPosition( panelText() , PhysWidth() / 2.0 , PhysHeight() - TextHeight() ) setTextDepth( panelText() , DEPTH_PANEL - 1 ) panel.sound = SafeLoadSound("panel.wav") dim panelIconSprite[ panelIconMax() ] for icon = 1 to panelIconMax() panelIconSprite[ icon ] = createSprite( 0 ) setSpriteSize( panelIconSprite[ icon ] , IconSize() - 4, IconSize() - 4) setSpriteColor( panelIconSprite[ icon ] , 255 , 255 , 255 , 127 ) next icon type WorkObjectType isFree objectID sprite endtype dim workObject[ MAX_WORKOBJECTS ] as WorkObjectType for thisObject = 1 to MAX_WORKOBJECTS workObject[ thisObject ].isFree = 1 workObject[ thisObject ].objectID = 0 workObject[ thisObject ].sprite = 0 next thisObject global numWorkObjects = 0 imageRef = SafeloadImage( "finger.png" ) spriteRef = createSprite( imageRef ) PositionPanelIcons() testObject1 = AddWorkObject( 1, 0 ) CreateWorkObjectSprite( testObject1 , 100 , 100 ) testObject2 = AddWorkObject( 10 , 0 ) CreateWorkObjectSprite( testObject2 , 200 , 200 ) thisSpritePicked = 0 thisObjectPicked = 0 thisPickOffsetX# = 0 thisPickOffsetY# = 0 thisSrc$ = "" for i=1 to 10 thisValue = random( 0 , 9215 ) thisSrc$ = thisSrc$ + Base96Encode( thisValue ) next i thisSort$ = Base96Sort( thisSrc$ ) do LoopStart() print( "FPS: " + str ( lastFPS() ) ) if getPointerPressed() > 0 if PointDY() >= getTextY( panelText() ) and PointDY() < getSpriteY( panelSprite() ) ToggleTrayOpen() elseif PointDY() < getTextY( panelText() ) thisSpritePicked = getSpriteHit( PointWX() , PointWY() ) if thisSpritePicked > 0 thisObjectPicked = FindWorkObjectBySprite( thisSpritePicked ) if thisObjectPicked > 0 thisPickOffsetX# = PointWX() - getSpriteXByOffset( thisSpritePicked ) thisPickOffsetY# = PointWY() - getSpriteYByOffset( thisSpritePicked ) endif endif endif elseif getPointerReleased() > 0 if thisObjectPicked > 0 thisX# = PointWX() - thisPickOffsetX# thisY# = PointWY() - thisPickOffsetY# HideHighLight() if WorldToScreenY( thisY#) >= getTextY( panelText() ) DelWorkObject( thisObjectPicked ) else setSpritePositionByOffset( thisSpritePicked , thisX# , thisY# ) setSpriteDepth( thisSpritePicked , DEPTH_WORK - 1 ) thisObjectUnder = WorkObjectIsOver( thisObjectPicked ) if thisObjectUnder > 0 // This is where the merge objects code goes endif endif endif thisSpritePicked = 0 thisObjectPicked = 0 thisPickOffsetX# = 0.0 thisPickOffsetY# = 0.0 elseif getPointerState() > 0 if thisObjectPicked > 0 thisX# = PointWX() - thisPickOffsetX# thisY# = PointWY() - thisPickOffsetY# setSpritePositionByOffset( thisSpritePicked , thisX# , thisY# ) setSpriteDepth( thisSpritePicked , DEPTH_PANEL - 5 ) if WorldToScreenY( thisY#) >= getTextY( panelText() ) HighlightSprite( thisSpritePicked , FRAME_TRASHCAN ) else thisObjectUnder = WorkObjectIsOver( thisObjectPicked ) if thisObjectUnder > 0 HighlightSprite( WorkObjectSprite( thisObjectUnder ) , FRAME_HIGHLIGHT ) else HideHighLight() endif endif endif endif if panelIsOpen() = 1 if getSpriteY( panelSprite() ) > ( PhysHeight() - panelHeight() ) MovePanel( -panelSpeed() ) endif else if getSpriteY( panelSprite() ) < PhysHeight() MovePanel( panelSpeed() ) endif endif setSpritePosition( spriteRef , PointDX() , PointDY() ) printc( "Physical: " ) print( str( PhysWidth() ) + " x " + str( PhysHeight() ) ) printc( "Pointer (Display): " ) print( str( PointDX() ) + " x " + str( PointDY() ) ) printc( "Pointer (World): " ) print( str( PointWX() ) + " x " + str( PointWY() ) ) printc( "Sprite: ") print( str( getSpriteHit( PointDX() , PointDY() ))) printc( "Sprite Picked: ") printc( str( thisSpritePicked )) printc( ", Object Picked: ") printc( str( thisObjectPicked )) printc( ", Over : " ) print( str( WorkObjectIsOver( thisObjectPicked ) )) for i=0 to 9 thisCode$ = Base96Encode( i ) thisDecode = Base96Decode( thisCode$ ) s$ = chr(34) + thisCode$ + chr(34) s$ = s$ + " = " + str( thisDecode ) print( str(i) + " = " + s$ ) next i for i=95 to 104 thisCode$ = Base96Encode( i ) thisDecode = Base96Decode( thisCode$ ) s$ = chr(34) + thisCode$ + chr(34) s$ = s$ + " = " + str( thisDecode ) print( str(i) + " = " + s$ ) next i print("") print(chr(34)+ thisSrc$ + chr(34)) print(chr(34)+ thisSort$ + chr(34)) print("") for i=1 to 10 thisCodeSrc = Base96Decode( mid( thisSrc$ , i*2 - 1 , 2 ) ) thisCodeDst = Base96Decode( mid( thisSort$ , i*2 - 1 , 2 ) ) printc( right( spaces(1) + str( i ), 2) + " : ") printc( right( spaces(3) + str( thisCodeSrc ), 4) + " : ") print( right( spaces(3) + str( thisCodeDst ), 4)) next i sync() loop function LoopStart() display.lastFPS# = screenFPS() panel.speed# = panelHeight() / (lastFPS() * 1.25) display.pointDX# = getPointerX() display.pointDY# = getPointerY() display.pointWX# = ScreentoWorldX(PointDX()) display.pointWY# = ScreentoWorldY(PointDY()) endfunction function ToggleTrayOpen() panel.isOpen = 1 - panelIsOpen() if panelSound() > 0 then playSound( panelSound() ) endfunction function MovePanel( distance# ) setSpriteY( panelSprite() , getSpriteY( panelSprite() ) + distance# ) setTextY( panelText() , getTextY( panelText() ) + distance# ) PositionPanelIcons() endfunction function PositionPanelIcons() iconDepth = getSpriteDepth( PanelSprite() ) - 1 for icon = 1 to panelIconMax() offset = icon - 1 col = offset mod PANEL_COLS row = offset / PANEL_COLS x = col * IconSize() + 2 y = row * IconSize() + getSpriteY( PanelSprite() ) + 2 setSpritePosition( panelIconSprite[ icon ] , x , y ) setSpriteDepth( panelIconSprite[ icon ] , iconDepth ) next icon endfunction function SafeLoadImage( thisFileName$ ) if getFileExists( thisFileName$ ) thisImageRef = loadImage( thisFileName$ ) else thisImageRef = 0 endif endfunction thisImageRef function SafeLoadSound( thisFileName$ ) if getFileExists( thisFileName$ ) thisSoundRef = loadSound( thisFileName$ ) else thisSoundRef = 0 endif endfunction thisSoundRef // Base 96 Functions function Base96Encode( thisValue ) lowValue = thisValue mod 96 highValue = ( thisValue / 96 ) mod 96 thisString$ = chr( highValue + 32 ) + chr( lowValue + 32 ) endfunction thisString$ function Base96Decode( thisString$ ) thisLen = len(thisString$) if thisLen = 0 thisValue = 0 else if thisLen = 1 then thisString$ = " " + thisString$ highValue = asc( left( thisString$ , 1 ) ) - 32 lowValue = asc( mid( thisString$ , 2, 1 ) ) - 32 thisValue = highValue * 96 + lowValue endif endfunction thisValue function Base96Sort( thisString$ ) thisLen = len(thisString$) if thisLen > 2 and (thisLen && 1) = 0 thisArraySize = thisLen / 2 dim tempArray[ thisArraySize ] as string for i=1 to thisArraySize tempArray[ i ] = mid( thisString$ , i*2 - 1 , 2) next i SortTempArray( thisArraySize ) thisString$ = "" for i=1 to thisArraySize thisString$ = thisString$ + tempArray[ i ] next i endif endfunction thisString$ function SortTempArray( thisSize ) for i=1 to thisSize - 1 thisLow = i for j = i + 1 to thisSize if tempArray[j] < tempArray[thisLow] then thisLow = j next j if thisLowest <> i temp$ = tempArray[i] tempArray[i] = tempArray[thisLow] tempArray[thisLow] = temp$ endif next i endfunction // Work Object Functions function TopWorkObject() endfunction numWorkObjects function WorkObjectValid( thisObject ) thisBool = ( thisObject > 0 and thisObject <= TopWorkObject() ) endfunction thisBool function FirstFreeWorkObject() for thisObject = 1 to TopWorkObject() if WorkObjectIsFree( thisObject ) > 0 then exit next thisObject if thisObject > MAX_WORKOBJECTS then thisObject = 0 endfunction thisObject function AddWorkObject( thisObjectID, thisSprite ) thisObject = FirstFreeWorkObject() if thisObject > TopWorkObject() then numWorkObjects = thisObject if WorkObjectValid( thisObject ) workObject[ thisObject ].isFree = 0 workObject[ thisObject ].objectID = thisObjectID workObject[ thisObject ].sprite = thisSprite endif endfunction thisObject function DelWorkObject( thisObject ) if WorkObjectValid( thisObject ) workObject[ thisObject ].isFree = 1 if WorkObjectSprite( thisObject ) > 0 thisSprite = WorkObjectSprite( thisObject ) workObject[ thisObject ].sprite = 0 if getSpriteExists( thisSprite ) then deleteSprite( thisSprite ) endif while WorkObjectIsFree( TopWorkObject() ) = 1 and TopWorkObject() >= 0 dec numWorkObjects , 1 endwhile endif endfunction function CreateWorkObjectSprite( thisObject , thisX , thisY ) if WorkObjectIsFree( thisObject ) = 0 if WorkObjectSprite( thisObject ) = 0 then workObject[ thisObject ].sprite = createSprite( IconImage() ) thisSprite = WorkObjectSprite( thisObject ) fixSpriteToScreen( thisSprite , 0 ) setSpriteSize( thisSprite , IconSize() , - 1) setSpriteOffset( thisSprite , iconSize() / 2.0 , iconSize() / 2.0 ) setSpritePositionByOffset( thisSprite , thisX , thisY ) setSpriteDepth( thisSprite , DEPTH_WORK - 1 ) setSpriteAnimation( thisSprite , 64 , 64 , 252 ) setSpriteFrame( thisSprite , WorkObjectID( thisObject ) ) endif endfunction function WorkObjectIsOver( thisWorkObject ) thisSprite = WorkObjectSprite( thisWorkObject ) if thisSprite > 0 thisX# = getSpriteXByOffset( thisSprite ) thisY# = getSpriteYByOffset( thisSprite ) for thisObject = 1 to TopWorkObject() if thisObject <> thisWorkObject thisSprite = WorkObjectSprite( thisObject ) if thisSprite > 0 diffX# = abs( getSpriteXByOffset( thisSprite ) - thisX# ) diffY# = abs( getSpriteYByOffset( thisSprite ) - thisY# ) if diffX# < iconSize() and diffY# < iconSize() then exit endif endif next thisObject if thisObject > TopWorkObject() then thisObject = 0 else thisObject = -1 endif endfunction thisObject function FindWorkObjectBySprite( thisSprite ) for thisObject = 1 to TopWorkObject() if WorkObjectSprite( thisObject ) = thisSprite then exit next thisObject if thisObject > TopWorkObject() then thisObject = 0 endfunction thisObject function HideHighLight() if HighSprite() > 0 if getSpriteExists( HighSprite() ) then deleteSprite( HighSprite() ) display.highSprite = 0 endif endfunction function HighlightSprite( thisSprite , thisFrame ) if thisSprite > 0 and thisFrame > 0 and thisFrame < 253 if getSpriteExists( thisSprite ) HideHighLight() display.highSprite = cloneSprite( thisSprite ) setSpriteFrame( HighSprite() , thisFrame ) setSpriteDepth( HighSprite() , getSpriteDepth( HighSprite() ) - 1) endif endif endfunction // Return Functions - WorkObject Array function WorkObjectIsFree( thisObject ) if WorkObjectValid( thisObject ) thisIsFree = workObject[ thisObject ].isFree else thisIsFree = -1 endif endfunction thisIsFree function WorkObjectID( thisObject ) if WorkObjectValid( thisObject ) thisObjectID = workObject[ thisObject ].objectID else thisObjectID = -1 endif endfunction thisObjectID function WorkObjectSprite( thisObject ) if WorkObjectValid( thisObject ) thisSprite = workObject[ thisObject ].sprite else thisSprite = -1 endif endfunction thisSprite // Return Functions - Display function PhysWidth() endfunction display.physWidth# function PhysHeight() endfunction display.physHeight# function VirtWidth() endfunction display.virtWidth# function VirtHeight() endfunction display.virtHeight# function IconSize() endfunction display.iconSize# function TextHeight() endfunction display.textHeight# function LastFPS() endfunction display.lastFPS# function IconImage() endfunction display.iconImage function PointDX() endfunction display.pointDX# function PointDY() endfunction display.pointDY# function PointWX() endfunction display.pointWX# function PointWY() endfunction display.pointWY# function HighSprite() endfunction display.highSprite // Return Functions - Panel function PanelHeight() endfunction panel.height# function PanelSpeed() endfunction panel.speed# function PanelIsOpen() endfunction panel.isOpen function PanelImage() endfunction panel.image function PanelSprite() endfunction panel.sprite function PanelText() endfunction panel.text function PanelSound() endfunction panel.sound function PanelIconMax() endfunction panel.iconMax //
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