Thursday 5 April 2012

Giving You The Finger

I will be using screen captures to illustrate things throughout this project, however in Windows, this does not show the mouse pointer, so to make sure it's location is obvious I have decided to use a surrogate.

The following will be used by the project to show the mouse location in my windows captures.
The one on the left is the source and is stored in the artwork folder with the name finger_src.png.

The one on the right will be used by the program and is stored in the media folder with the name finger.png.  It has a transparent background where the other shows Magenta.

Magenta is often used in source images to show areas which will be transparent, presumably this is because it tends to occur less in nature so is less likely to conflict with the actual image content.

They are both 64 x 64 pixels as many mobile devices work better with graphics with dimensions which are a power of 2.  ie.  2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , 256 , 512 , 1024

They are both .png format and have been optimised to reduce file size.

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