Thursday 5 April 2012



My name is Mark and I am a technoholic.

I have worked in computers for more years than I care to remember, in pretty much every area there is, though my main passion has always been programming.

Tired with being stifled by the corporate machine, and excited by the opportunities opened up by the Android environment, I am now attempting to scratch a living as a freelance developer.

Android offers anyone and everyone an easy way into creating and publishing their own applications at a fraction of the cost of traditional development methods, which is just as well for people like myself with limited finances.

The intention of this Blog is to document the creation of such an application - a game in fact  - from the ground up, hopefully to be published in a very short space of time.

You will need some knowledge of programming to follow along with the coding, but self-taught amateurs should be fine.

I hope you find this interesting and useful.


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