Friday 6 April 2012

Project Plan - Sliding Panel

Before starting the project, it is a good idea to get a few ideas down on how the screen layout will be used.

In the original Alchemy game, elements are selected by clicking on the + icon at the bottom of the screen, this takes you to a separate list where elements are chosen.
The first thing I want to change is to make everything happen on one screen.

Rather than the screen changing from one screen to another, it would be kind of nice to have a panel slide up from the bottom to reveal the elements available.
Before this can be done, we need to decide how big the panel will be and how far up it will slide.

As the panel will contain icons for the various elements, it will be the size and number of these elements visible which will help in making that decision.

Since the app is intended to be used on Android, and android phone screens come in all shapes and sizes, we can't know for sure how big the resulting screen will be.

The icons need to be selectable with a finger so can't be too small or choosing them will be difficult and they can't be too large or we wont get many on the screen.

For now we will go with the same number used by Alchemy - four icons across the screen in portrait.

This will be used in the program in such a way that is can be changed easily later.

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