Wednesday 11 April 2012

Graphics Part 4

Now to reducing the image size.  The samples on the last post were just to show the effect of anti-aliasing.

We load the transparent image back into Irafanview.
From the Image Menu, select Resize/Resample
The dialogue box that comes up shows the current size and the new size and has a number of options.

The block at the top right is used to quickly resize to some standard sizes as well as halving and doubling.  At the bottom right is the method - this should be set to Resample with the Lanczos filter as shown.

The Preserve aspect tick box ensures the resulting image will be the same shape as the original and the Apply Sharpen tick box attempts to sharpen the image once resized.

In the set new size area, you can type new size values for the image.  we want the image to be a maximum of 62 x 62 pixels.  With Preserve aspect ticked, as we type in one box, it will adjust the other.

To resize the image to the size we want, we must change the largest of the two sizes, in this case the width.  Setting the width to 62 will change the height to 48.  Unticking Preserve aspect will allow us to change both boxes.

So let's see what the results look like for various settings, after all it's how it looks which is important not how accurately it is resized.

The following images show all the resize methods and the effect of sharpen on each one.
I hope you can see from this why we opt for the Laczos filter with sharpen turned off.

So next we try that resize method, but this time go for 62 x 62 and see how it looks resized without preserving the aspect.
This shows the image as it would fill the icon size.

If you hadn't seen the original aspect version, you might not realise this was distorted.

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