Thursday 12 April 2012

Graphics Part 6

Something still doesn't look right.
The icon doesn't look like it belongs on the background.  This partly is to do with the colours used, something we haven't looked at yet.

Irfanview offers a number of options to tinker with colours, the one I'm going to use it located in Color Corrections... from the Image menu.
This allows you to adjust a number of  colour options, the individual red, green and blue values, the brightness and contrast as well as the saturation (how strong the colours are).

It also allows you to apply Gamma correction, which is to do with the spread of colours.

As you adjust the settings, the image on the right changes so you can see the affect.  If at any time you want to see how it affects the actual image, you can click Apply to Original - which is visible behind this dialogue.

Again this is a kind of try it and see, but as a general rule, you want a large range between the dark colours and the light ones and you want the colours to be vivid.

My first test will be to increase the contrast (to 28), and increase the (saturation to 63) and reduce the gamma to (0.86).  I do it in that order and judge the outcome.
Does it look better or worse? here are the originals again
Look at the red on the handle of that drill - It looks much stronger on the new versions, and the edges of the icon look less faded, less washed out.

Its hard to really tell on the blog if this is enough, we're going to have to see how they look in the game to get a better idea.

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