I'll also be changing the way I enter code into the Blog, to try to make it more readable. Previously I just changed the font, but this mashes up the code and adds quite a lot of unnecessary HTML.
Now I'll be using the pre-format style previously reserved for the code summaries, now in Matrix green to make it stand out.
It's a bit more fiddling to create, but reduces the Faff behind the scenes should make the experience a little better.
Initialisation is getting things ready, and this comes in several types.
- Program - done once when the program first starts
- Game - done at the start of a new game
- Level - done at the start of a new level
Setting up the global variables, preparing the arrays using the Dim command and loading the main graphics and sound are only done once, so these are done in a function we will call Initialise().
As with all functions this goes after the main loop, I tend to put this at the end of the main functions just before the return functions as it tends to get changed less once in place.
It contains the permanent code code that we currently do before the main loop, so a larger chunk of this is just copied into the function.
The constants and user defined types stay where they are.
function Initialise() // Prepare Globals global display as displayType display.physWidth# = getDeviceWidth() display.physHeight# = getDeviceHeight() display.virtWidth# = PhysWidth() display.virtHeight# = PhysHeight() display.iconSize# = PhysWidth() / PANEL_COLS display.textHeight# = PhysHeight() / 20.0 display.highSprite = 0 display.iconImage = SafeloadImage( "objects.png" ) global panel as panelType panel.iconMax = PANEL_ROWS * PANEL_COLS panel.height# = IconSize() * PANEL_ROWS panel.speed# = 0.0 panel.isOpen = 0 panel.Image = SafeloadImage( "panel.jpg" ) panel.sprite = createSprite( PanelImage() ) panel.text = createText( "Objects" ) panel.sound = SafeLoadSound("panel.wav") setImageWrapU( PanelImage() , 1 ) setImageWrapV( PanelImage() , 1 ) uScale# = getImageWidth( PanelImage() ) / PhysWidth() vScale# = getImageHeight( PanelImage() ) / PanelHeight() setSpriteUVScale( PanelSprite() , uScale# , vScale# ) setSpriteSize( PanelSprite() , PhysWidth() , PanelHeight() ) setSpritePosition( PanelSprite() , 0 , PhysHeight() ) setSpriteDepth( PanelSprite() , DEPTH_PANEL) setTextSize( panelText() , textHeight() ) setTextAlignMent( panelText() , 1) setTextPosition( panelText() , PhysWidth() / 2.0 , PhysHeight() - TextHeight() ) setTextDepth( panelText() , DEPTH_PANEL - 1 ) // Prepare Arrays dim panelIconSprite[ panelIconMax() ] for icon = 1 to panelIconMax() panelIconSprite[ icon ] = createSprite( 0 ) setSpriteSize( panelIconSprite[ icon ] , IconSize() - 4, IconSize() - 4) setSpriteColor( panelIconSprite[ icon ] , 255 , 255 , 255 , 127 ) next icon dim workObject[ MAX_WORKOBJECTS ] as WorkObjectType for thisObject = 1 to MAX_WORKOBJECTS workObject[ thisObject ].isFree = 1 workObject[ thisObject ].objectID = 0 workObject[ thisObject ].sprite = 0 next thisObject setVirtualResolution( VirtWidth(), VirtHeight() ) PositionPanelIcons() endfunctionI have also indented the parts which initialise the fields of the UDT's to highlight that they belong to the global definitions that they follow.
Now the start of the program looks like this.
#constant PANEL_ROWS 3 #constant PANEL_COLS 4 #constant DEPTH_SCORE 20 #constant DEPTH_PANEL 30 #constant DEPTH_WORK 40 #constant MAX_WORKOBJECTS 100 #constant FRAME_HIGHLIGHT 251 #constant FRAME_TRASHCAN 252 type displayType physWidth# physHeight# virtWidth# virtHeight# iconSize# textHeight# lastFPS# iconImage pointDX# pointDY# pointWX# pointWY# highSprite endtype type panelType height# speed# isOpen image sprite text sound iconMax endtype type WorkObjectType isFree objectID sprite endtype global numWorkObjects = 0 Initialise() // Temporary ObjectsWith just the call to the Initialise() function where the old code was.
I have left numWorkObjects out of the function temporarily as this really needs to be incorporated into a a larger global variable using UDT, which we will come to next.
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