Thursday 5 April 2012

Build What?

So now we have the language chosen, we need a project.

The first thing a project needs is a goal.

"If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you've got there?"

The clue is in the name, the aim of this project is a game called "Build-It", which will be a variation on Alchemy, the very simple, yet addictive game by Andrey Zaikin (
The basic premise is starting with just four elements, Air, Earth, Fire and Water, two are combined to produce one or more new objects.  As new objects are created, the possible permutations increase, the aim is to discover all the objects available - 380 in the current version.

The original is available on the android market (or as it is now called, Google Play) at and shows over ten million downloads.

I have chosen to homage (that's like copying but with more respect) this for a number of reasons;
  • It provides something to compare to
  • The controls are quite basic, yet utilise a number of features used in all apps
  • There is a lot of room for expansion from the basic premise
Though initially, this will be very similar, the idea is to expand on the original, introducing additional features with time.

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